What Clients Are Saying

I needed Jamie Lynn's services three years ago, and her counseling helped me conquer $14,000 of debt, reduced it to zero and raise savings to afford my first home. In one year. You can do this, too. Admitting my struggle was the hardest part. 12/10 would recommend. Email her. Her services are worth every penny.

Sammi Jo, Colorado Springs, CO

I was hesitant to disclose our finances to someone else, but after just one meeting my fears were relieved. Jamie Lynn communicated clearly, dealt with us compassionately, and treated the whole matter confidentially.

Jamie Lynn helped us set goals, provided and directed us to the tools we needed, and celebrated with us as we began to climb out of our financial morass. We looked forward to our appointments and came to count Jamie Lynn as a dear friend. I recommend her counsel without reservation, and only wish that those with similar problems could be as fortunate as we were to find her. I know she can be a great help to many people.

— Andrew Campbell, Lexington, KY

Without exaggeration Jamie Lynn truly changed my life less than a year ago. As an independent contractor, never quite knowing when my next paycheck would arrive, in a very short time as a young professional I had accumulated $10,000 unsecured credit card debt. As my business began to grow, my debt was truly holding me back from accomplishing more, building my savings and growing my business. I felt trapped. I decided to meet with Jamie Lynn and she established a debt pay down plan for me, which I stuck to religiously, but still managed to live my life and not make too many drastic sacrifices.

Today, almost exactly 12 months later I make the payment that will close my unsecured credit card balance once and for all. In the future when I use credit, it will be so much more responsibly thanks to you everything I've learned from Jamie Lynn. A tremendous weight has been lifted from my shoulders and it would not have been possible without her guidance. I would highly recommend her to anyone here who is considering this life change for the better.

Jacqueline Lee, Ocean Springs, MS

Feedback From Professionals

Jamie Lynn is a wonderful resource in my financial planning practice. I refer people to her to help them get ready to do financial planning. Also, she and I work together with clients to help them improve budgeting, debt management, and general comfort with money during the financial planning process. I highly recommend including Jamie Lynn as a part of your financial advisory team.

Linda Leitz, PhD, CFP, EA, Peace of Mind Financial Planning, Inc.

Jamie Lynn is a thoughtful and compassionate counselor that empowers her clients to make positive financial change in their lives. Her expertise is unquestionable, and her commitment is unparalleled. I have no reservations about referring clients that may need financial counseling to Jamie Lynn. I know they’re in good hands.

Justin Price, CFP, CRC, AIM Advisory Group